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Palestine and Israel: Third Annual Lecture Series Recordings Now Available

We are pleased to announce that the video recording for the 2023 installment of the Annual Lecture series in the Study of Palestine is now available. This November, the Foundation for Palestinian Studies Fund hosted Dr. Saree Makdisi and Jon Allen.

The 2023 installments of the Annual Lecture series in the Study of Palestine occurred in November 2023 with Dr. Saree Makdisi and  Dr. Jon Allen.

Dr.Makdisi, Professor and Chair of English at the University of California, Los Angeles, presented his lecture, ‘Palestine and the Culture of Denial’. He discussed the colonial history of Palestine and the current war in Gaza. Please watch his lecture here.



Dr. Jon Allen was the Canadian Ambassador to Israel from 2006 to 2010 and the Canadian Ambassador to Spain and Andorra from 2012 to 2016. Currently, Dr. Allen is a Senior Fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, a distinguished fellow of the Canada International Council, and the Chair of Project Rozana Canada. Dr. Allen’s lecture, ‘What a Difference a Year Makes in Israel-Palestine’, discussed the current situation in Israel and Palestine.


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