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CIDO Founder Shawky Fahel Visits Israel & Palestine

cido, friends of Palestinian studies, palestinianstudies, shawky fahel, john english, Bob Kalbfleisch, David Viveash, shawky fahel

News of the Foundation for Palestinian Studies Received with Enthusiasm

As part of CIDO’s assistance for the Foundation for Palestinian Studies, Shawky Fahel, the Founder of CIDO, toured Palestine and Israel from August 18th to August 27th. The purpose of the trip was to deliver the message—the principles, concepts, activities and plans of the Foundation—to academics, not-for-profit organizations and government officials.

The message, that the Foundation for Palestinian Studies aims to spark meaningful dialogue around the history, culture and challenges of Palestinians and to bring in fresh perspectives and established expertise that advance inclusive cultural understanding, conflict resolution and peace building through education and research, was well received.

Shawky met with officials at Birzeit University, including its President Dr. Beshara Doumani; senior staff at St. John Eye Hospital including President Ahmad Ma’ali; officials at the Mossawa Center including President Jafar Farah; and officials at Project Rozana.

Shawky took the opportunity to get updated on the important work being lead by the Mennonite Central Committee in Palestine as well as in other countries in the Middle East.

He also met with several journalists from various news agencies.

Shawky met with the staff at Canada’s Representative Office in Palestine and had the opportunity to fully brief Canada’s Ambassador to Israel, Lisa Stadelbauer.

In all the meetings, Shawky’s message was enthusiastically received. Doors were opened for future dialogue and new opportunities for collaborative initiatives were established.

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