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Palestine and Israel: Lecture with Jon Allen

The Foundation for Palestinian Studies Fund at the University of Waterloo hosted a lecture on November 27th with Jon Allen, who is currently a Senior Fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy and is the former Canadian ambassador to Israel from 2006-2010 and the ambassador to Spain and Andorra from 2012 to 2014. Allen is also a distinguished fellow of the Canada International Council and the Chair of Project Rozana Canada, a not-for-profit whose objective is to build bridges between Palestinians and Israelis via the health sector.


Allen’s lecture, titled What a Difference a Year Makes in Israel-Palestine, discussed the current situation in Israel and Palestine and provided insight into the current politics of Israel and the political situation leading up to the October 7th attacks. Allen ended by giving insight into what he believes will come next for Israel and Palestine in the future. You can read the transcript of his lecture below.

Jon Allen Lecture


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