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Palestine and Israel: Lecture with Dr. Saree Makdisi

The Foundation for Palestinian Studies Fund at the University of Waterloo hosted its third annual public lecture on November 20th: Palestine and the Culture of Denial by Dr. Saree Makdisi, professor and Chair of the English Department at the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Makdisi provided a most moving and riveting one-hour of honest, factual historical presentation about Palestine, the current war in Gaza and Colonial History.
A comment on the lecture:
‘Last night there was a lecture at U of W for the Palestinian Studies Institute. We attended via zoom. The speaker is a UCLA prof of Lebanese-Palestinian Christian background. It was horrifying what he said, and yet he wasn’t being inflammatory. Nothing but simple documented facts presented in a very calm fashion. He’s quite a big shot – the son and grandson of academics and a nephew of Edward said.
Again, thank you for all the planning and work to shine a light on the plight of Palestinians.
We will be posting a video of the lecture when available.

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