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Palestine and Israel: Conversations about Culture & History | Public Lectures on November 20th & 27th 2023

Palestine and Israel

Palestine and Israel: Conversations about Culture and History: Save the Date for Public Lectures on November 20th and 27th 2023.

The Foundation for Palestinian Studies Fund at the University of Waterloo is presenting and hosting two lecture events on November 20th and 27th, 2023.

In this ongoing lecture series, we learn about and engage with each other to understand new perspectives and to work for peace in this often volatile region of the world. Right now, when Palestinians and Israelis alike are suffering and the humanitarian situation is deteriorating, we will come together again to talk and to listen.


Explore Culture and History: Join us for engaging conversations on Palestine and Israel. The University of Waterloo’s Foundation for Palestinian Studies Fund presents two insightful public lectures on November 20th and 27th, 2023. To participate in these enlightening events, whether in person or online, register here:

In this ongoing lecture series, we foster understanding and collaboration, seeking new perspectives for peace in this complex region. Amidst the current challenges faced by Palestinians and Israelis, join us to converse and listen. Registration is mandatory for both live attendance and online participation. Let’s come together for meaningful dialogue and shared insights.

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