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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

cido, friends of Palestinian studies, palestinianstudies, shawky fahel, john english, Bob Kalbfleisch

Bob Kalbfleisch

Business Consultant

Bob established his own consulting company in 1999 after a 30-year career in the Ontario Public Service. He has delivered on several business management projects including senior communications advisor to the Ontario Innovation Trust and the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund, CEO and Executive Director with Agricorp, and senior marketing and communications advisor for the University of Guelph's Laboratory Services. Bob was a founding Director of Canada's Technology for Food (later Advanced Technology for Food Manufacturing) where the concept for the adaption of world class innovative manufacturing and information technology solutions for Canada's food processors was cultivated.