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Shireen Abu Akleh Scholarship

Establishing the Shireen Abu Akleh Scholarship

SHAWKY FAHEL IS the founding donor of the Shireen Abu Akleh Emerging Reporter Award in Social Justice Journalism at Carleton University. This scholarship allows journalism students to explore issues related to social justice and is in memory of Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian reporter who was killed by the Israeli military while providing coverage for Al Jazeera. Please read more about the establishment of the scholarship at Highlights from the Shireen Abu Akleh Award Launch | School of Journalism and Communication ( . Here is a link to the video from the launch event featuring a tribute song composed by Abdul-Wahab Kayyali Highlights from the Shireen Abu Akleh Launch – YouTube Carleton University recently announced the first recipient of the scholarship, Ali Al Ashoor, a recent graduate from the journalism program, and you can read more about his research at First winner of Shireen Abu Akleh social justice journalism award embarks on reporting project | School of Journalism and Communication (

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